When planning our trip through to Egypt, Israel and Greece, we felt that it would be good to break up the journey along the way – to relax, unwind and see someRead More…
When planning our trip through to Egypt, Israel and Greece, we felt that it would be good to break up the journey along the way – to relax, unwind and see someRead More…
One thing I always like to know before going away is – where I am going to sleep the first night. Having never been to Singapore before and with such a varietyRead More…
You have to recognise that the cost of Land in Singapore is very expensive. Hence the Australian Hills Hoist or other forms of Clothes lines “down the backyard” are just not anRead More…
Raffles Hotel is a colonial-style hotel in Singapore. It was established by two Armenian brothers from Persia—Martin and Tigran Sarkies—in 1887. In later years they were joined by younger brothers Aviet and Arshak andRead More…
The Raffles Hotel has many drinking facilities including an outdoor bar as shown above. The other renown bar is called the Long Bar. You can imagine the types of drinks one couldRead More…
After a long trip around the Middle East and Greece, Hamish thought it would be a great idea to enjoy some finer things in life. We had booked in to the TiffenRead More…
On Orchard Road in Singapore, a giant sculpture of the Singapore Orchard has been placed. Just outside some buildings that have some “Name Brand” shops, the streetscape was enhanced but some wonderfulRead More…
Walking on the board walk along the river in Singapore, we came across a variety of Sculptures depicting the River Merchants. Alongside the sculptures was a sign explaining the significance of theRead More…
I really like to see kids enjoying themselves and this sculpture of kids jumping into the river is something I could imagine kids doing. From jumping in to getting pushed in isRead More…
One of the things that is noticeable in Singapore is the lack of Graffiti and rubbish on the streets. It must be said that it is one of the cleanest Cities we’veRead More…