During the late 19th Century and into the beginning of the 20th Century, the Mt Difficult Freestone Quarry (or better known as the Heatherlie Quarry) provided substantial quantities of freestone of the highest quality. Its principle use was for building construction and monumental work. The stone has been used in several important historic buildings in Melbourne, including Parliament House, the Town Hall and the State Library. Of such significance was the freestone, that a tramway was constructed to link the quarry to the main railway line at Stawell, Victoria. A new township of Heatherlie was gazette close to the quarry. Walking around the site of the quarry today, remnants of the quarry’s equipment, accommodation houses and rock faces still showing the marks of the operations of the quarry.
Updated Website for Heatherlie Quarry
I have been pleased with the response that I have had about Heatherlie Quarry. I have developed its own website plus an eBook that can be downloaded at no cost.
The new link is Heatherlie Quarry
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