For Your Eyes Only – James Bond Movie site at Meteora in Greece

You have to ask the question – how did they get the building material onto the top of rocks to build these magnificent monasteries?

Also what an appropriate name for a James Bond movie – “For your eyes only” when you have views like what you see around the mountains of Meteora. – But I don’t think that was the story-line of the movie !!

The Agia Triada or Holy Trinity Monastery located in Meteora in Greece was used as a set for part of the James Bond movie and is one of many monastories around these unique mountains making it an absolutely fascinating place. There are a number of buildings literally perched on the tops of “rocks”.

When we were there, it had just snowed ( you can see the snow on the mountains in the background of the Photo) and hence very cold. When travelling around the windy road around Meteora,  you can see buildings like the one above, and you just have to ask the question how did they build them on the top of rocks.

Another Monastery at Meteora in Greece

Just imagine having to climb those stairs all the time and take the shopping in from the car!!

For more information about Meteora

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