Emmylou – Echuca

Heather and I had a nice quiet weekend in Echuca – As Heather slept in, I went for an early morning drive along the Murray River in Echuca. After taking some photos of the wharf area, a little further downstream is the Paddle-steamer Emmylou.

The P.S. Emmylou is a Murray River paddle-steamer, driven by a completely restored 1906 steam engine. She was built locally during 1980-82 in the style of the 19th century paddle-boats, and now moored at Echuca with the very few remaining paddle-steamers that were used on the River Murray. She is 30 metres long and 10 metres wide, steel hulled and timber decked.

At 6:15am in the morning, there were not a lot of people around!!

For more information about Echuca-Moama

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