Hamish as an Egyptian

The trip down the Nile was so exciting – not only did we see lots of temples, we saw many people and boats and best of all we had really nice people on the boat.

One evening whilst on the River Nile, we were invited to an Egyptian Party. Mum and Dad bought some costumes at the shop on the boat – but they made sure that I had the right sort of dress as well.

I wore a typical Arabian Head dress. I really looked the part. Even the staff on the Boat couldn’t resist getting their photo with me.

Hamish going to the Egyptian Party with one of the staff on the MV Miriam

Well after a night of eating and dancing and enjoying myself – I was just so tired I was almost asleep before my head hit the pillow !!

For more information about the Nile River

For more information about the Hamish and his travels

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